Monday, July 7, 2014

100 ways of freedom and peace-samih abu zakieh

one hundred ways of freedom and peace

This exhibition is about…Visions and dreams against oppression and discrimination that I experienced under occupation and curfews… A story and experience at the same time…..· What does the artist paint in such critical moments?· What does the artist paint in the moments in which the occupier uses the worst forms of human repression?What does a curfew do to people…?How does the artist face such moments… when all we can hear is the sounds of bullets and bulldozers that kill our dreams and stories…He paints and paints a scream that disturbs the occupier searching for what a man needs to live in peace on this land… we want to live in peace like the rest of people on this earth…My scream that is in one hundred forms is in reality a dream that beats with the life we’re looking for… A life full of dignity, freedom and peace….The way of war or destruction or oppression is one….And in this exhibition, I tried to light one hundred ways of freedom and peace…. designed in black…Samih Abu Zakieh

100 Ways For peace From Palestine

100 Ways For peace From Palestine

When we speak about peace through the peace paintings, some think that we are about to restart a new peace process in the Middle East. I would like to ask the whole world: Do you want peace for us? If yes ,the paintings are telling you that there are 100 ways for peace from Palestine. The way of war is, as you know, only one way. This is the philosophy of our exhibition. It is a point of view, it is an artist experience drown by a black pen. We hope you will get the message. Samih abu zakieh

100 ways for peace from Palestine-samih abu zakieh

100 ways for peace from Palestine-samih abu zakieh

100 ways for peace from Palestine-samih abu zakieh

De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix
كتابي العالمي -مائة طريق للسلام من فلسطين 
One Hundred Ways for Peace from Palestine 
De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix
مترجم الى الفرنسية الأنجليزية -العربية 
208 pages 
Parution : 2007
22,95 $
Samih Abu Zakieh
En trois langues : français, anglais et arabe
دار النشر -بلين لون -كوبيك كندا
Préface de Rezeq Faraj
Collection « Plume »
Ce livre est un plaidoyer pour la paix en Palestine, accompagné de cent illustrations et appuyé par des informations et des notes tirées de documents officiels. Samih Abu Zakieh y décrit le monde dans lequel il vit depuis sa naissance. Un monde sous « occupation ». Bien sûr, nous connaissons le mot « occupation », mais savons-nous ce qu’il signifie réellement ? Quand avons-nous entendu parler de la terreur et de la misère qui se cachent derrière ce mot ? Les horreurs quotidiennes de l’occupation israélienne restent largement invisibles dans nos journaux ou sur nos écrans de télévision… The dove of peace - a worldwide symbol first made famous by Pablo Picasso - has passed into the capable hands of Samih Abu Zakieh, an artist and teacher who keeps hope alive in hell. The peace dove nests in Hebron.
Pendant les longs jours de couvre-feu, prisonnier chez lui, dans le bruit infernal de la mitraille, des chars et des bulldozers sillonnant les rues d’Hébron, Samih dessinait sans relâche des colombes… Ses messagères de paix sont rassemblées dans ce livre. Mais l’histoire racontée ici, qui est présentée en français, en arabe et en anglais, n’est pas seulement une histoire de dessins, c’est l’appel d’un pacifiste qui nous livre un message de non-violence, d’amour et d’espoir en la fraternité humaine et en la justice.
Puissent la voix de Samih Abu Zakieh et celles des enfants palestiniens être entendues par tous ceux et celles qui gardent, fiché au cœur, l’espoir que s’ouvrent enfin ces chemins vers la paix entre tous les peuples de la Terre.
The dove of peace - a worldwide symbol first made famous by Pablo Picasso - has passed into the capable hands of Samih Abu Zakieh, an artist and teacher who keeps hope alive in hell.
The tone is low key, whether matter-of-factly itemizing brutality under the Occupation, or affirming the priority of self-restraint : “Just to control yourself when encountering violence in these most difficult conditions is a victory, but to spread a smile across the lips of the children who are our future-builders is an even greater victory.” Its engaging images and bracing discourse make this book a gem for any bookshelf, and an inspiring gift to give, and a breath of fresh air towards a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Dave Himmelstein

Sunday, July 6, 2014

De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix كتابي العالمي -مائة طريق للسلام من فلسطين

De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix
كتابي العالمي -مائة طريق للسلام من فلسطين 
One Hundred Ways for Peace from Palestine 
De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix
مترجم الى الفرنسية الأنجليزية -العربية 
208 pages 
Parution : 2007
22,95 $
Samih Abu Zakieh
En trois langues : français, anglais et arabe
دار النشر -بلين لون -كوبيك كندا
Préface de Rezeq Faraj
Collection « Plume »
Ce livre est un plaidoyer pour la paix en Palestine, accompagné de cent illustrations et appuyé par des informations et des notes tirées de documents officiels. Samih Abu Zakieh y décrit le monde dans lequel il vit depuis sa naissance. Un monde sous « occupation ». Bien sûr, nous connaissons le mot « occupation », mais savons-nous ce qu’il signifie réellement ? Quand avons-nous entendu parler de la terreur et de la misère qui se cachent derrière ce mot ? Les horreurs quotidiennes de l’occupation israélienne restent largement invisibles dans nos journaux ou sur nos écrans de télévision… The dove of peace - a worldwide symbol first made famous by Pablo Picasso - has passed into the capable hands of Samih Abu Zakieh, an artist and teacher who keeps hope alive in hell. The peace dove nests in Hebron.
Pendant les longs jours de couvre-feu, prisonnier chez lui, dans le bruit infernal de la mitraille, des chars et des bulldozers sillonnant les rues d’Hébron, Samih dessinait sans relâche des colombes… Ses messagères de paix sont rassemblées dans ce livre. Mais l’histoire racontée ici, qui est présentée en français, en arabe et en anglais, n’est pas seulement une histoire de dessins, c’est l’appel d’un pacifiste qui nous livre un message de non-violence, d’amour et d’espoir en la fraternité humaine et en la justice.
Puissent la voix de Samih Abu Zakieh et celles des enfants palestiniens être entendues par tous ceux et celles qui gardent, fiché au cœur, l’espoir que s’ouvrent enfin ces chemins vers la paix entre tous les peuples de la Terre.
The dove of peace - a worldwide symbol first made famous by Pablo Picasso - has passed into the capable hands of Samih Abu Zakieh, an artist and teacher who keeps hope alive in hell.
The tone is low key, whether matter-of-factly itemizing brutality under the Occupation, or affirming the priority of self-restraint : “Just to control yourself when encountering violence in these most difficult conditions is a victory, but to spread a smile across the lips of the children who are our future-builders is an even greater victory.” Its engaging images and bracing discourse make this book a gem for any bookshelf, and an inspiring gift to give, and a breath of fresh air towards a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Dave Himmelstein

Saturday, February 9, 2008

One Hundred Ways for Peace from Palestine

One Hundred Ways for Peace from PalestineBy Samih Abu ZakiehLes éditions de la Pleine Lune, Quebec, Canada, 2007, 208 pages, $20The dove of peace - a worldwide symbol first made famous by Pablo Picasso - has passed into the capable hands of Samih Abu Zakieh, an artist and teacher who keeps hope alive in hell. Director of the Palestinian Child Arts Centre in Hebron for 15 years, Abu Zakieh is one of the rare community movers who meets the stringent standard for pacifism set out by Mahatma Gandhi: “There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”That is a tough sell on the ground in occupied Palestine, where Abu Zakieh was born and grew up, whipsawed by the deafening clamour of tanks and bulldozers which enclosed the street where he lived under curfew. He imploded and flew inside out on the wings of a dove, which he began drawing. Followed by another, and others, sometimes twos and threes. Doves swirling tapestries of local and universal reference. And for the children he worked with, the doves also became engines of empowerment.Now a tri-lingual book brings together Abu Zakieh’s drawings and his words: De Palestine, cent chemins pour la paix / One Hundred Ways for Peace from Palestine, published in Canada by Les éditions de la Pleine Lune. His commentary - presented in Arabic, French and English - grows out of long-time research into children’s reactions to war. Abu Zakieh is the author of numerous articles on the artistic expression of children in times of war. He regularly gives lectures on art, education and the rights of Palestinian children, at international conferences in Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Iraq, the United States, Jordan and Egypt.The tone is low key, whether matter-of-factly itemizing brutality under the occupation, or affirming the priority of self-restraint: “Just to control yourself when encountering violence in these most difficult conditions is a victory, but to spread a smile across the lips of the children who are our future-builders is an even greater victory.” Its engaging images and bracing discourse make this book a gem for any bookshelf, and an inspiring gift to give, and a breath of fresh air towards a self-fulfilling prophecy.(Courtesy of the publisher)